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  • TrainingMaterial

    Archive Crawling

    Web archives are typically very broad in scope and extremely large in scale. This makes data analysis appear daunting, especially for non-computer scientists. These...
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  • Experiment

    Annotazione semantica di delibere comunali

    Progetto POC per l'uso delle tecniche di text mining su documenti della pubblica amministrazione per migliorare la trasparenza e l’accesso alle informazioni da parte dei...
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  • Dataset

    Wi-Fi Dataset of wireless channel samplings

    The dataset was acquired by periodically sampling a wireless channel with Wi-Fi frames. The main goal is to track the evolution of the channel quality by acquiring key...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    High Performance and Scalable Analytics Module

    Mining with big data or big data mining has become an active research area. Running current analytical methodologies and software tools on a single personal computer cannot...
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      The resource: 'Introduction to Hadoop' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    • PDF
      The resource: 'Introduction to Spark' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    • PDF
      The resource: 'Introduction to Spark SQL' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    • PDF
      The resource: 'Hadoop Ecosystem and ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • PDF
      The resource: 'Data Mining with Spark (MLLIB)' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Deep Learning Course

    This course developed by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center provides an applied approach to Deep Learning. It chooses to present an...
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      The resource: 'High_Performance_Computing_ ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Interactive Learning Environments

    King’s College London developed a variety of data science materials based on R and Python. R is a de facto standard in statistical computing and visualisation, while our...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Archive Spark

    An Apache Spark framework for easy data processing, extraction as well as derivation for archival collections. Originally developed for the use with Web archives, it has now...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Efficiency - Effectiveness Trade-offs in Learning to Rank

    This tutorial provides an 'Introduction to Learning to Rank' and focuses on 'Dealing with the Efficiency/Effectiveness trade-off in Web Search'. Moreover, it provides two...
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    • python
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    • python
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    • PDF
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Compressed and Learned Data Structures Seminar

    In this seminar cycle, students are guided in the direct usage of a powerful C++ library implementing many state-of-the-art compressed data structures for big data. Other than...
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    • TXT
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  • TrainingMaterial

    GATE Course

    The material is the 2017 version of a week-long training course delivered annually by the GATE team. Over almost ten years, this course has been developed to provide basic and...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Jupyter Notebooks

    King’s College London has developed complete stories around Jupyter Notebooks that form easy recipes for reproducible methods in social data science. Jupyter...
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      The resource: 'Visual Arts Repository' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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      The resource: 'Ananke Guide' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • mp4
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  • Dataset

    DataSeT Progetto IBIS ECO - IoT- based Building Information System for Energy...

    The dataset was collected as part of the IBIS ECO project ("IoT-based Building Information System for Energy Efficiency & Comfort"), an initiative aimed at implementing an...
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  • Dataset

    Air Quality Datasets over L'Aquila Region

    These datasets have been collected through ESA, CeTEMPS and ARTA. They are a work-in-progress deliverable of a virtual laboratory (VL-Disaster) in the context of the SoBigData.
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    • CSV
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  • Dataset

    y/Politics 1k

    Social simulation data generated using Y Social focused on political-related topics. Y Social is a Digital Twin of an online social media platform that allows researchers to...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Visual Analytics for Data Scientists

    Participants to this module shall -    Learn the principles and rules underlying the design of visual data representations and human-computer interactions -    Understand,...
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      The resource: 'Using Partition-based ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Data Visualisation and Visual Analytics Module

    This module provides an introduction to the concepts of vision and perception in order to design an effective data visualisation. Moreover, it provides insight into visual...
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      The resource: 'Visual Variables ' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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      The resource: 'Web Visualisation' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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      The resource: 'Visual Analytics and D3.js' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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  • Method

    Cybersecurity NER SecureBERT model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a SecureBERT model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that will be...
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    • ZIP
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    • JSON
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    • JSON
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    • JSON
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    • ZIP
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    • TXT
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    • text/x-python
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  • Method

    Cybersecurity NER RoBERTa-base model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a RoBERTa-base model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that will...
    • JSON
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    • JSON
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    • py
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  • Dataset

    Italian Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)

    This dataset contains 5M pairs of Italian tender descriptions and the corresponding Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) code. The data are downloaded from the ANAC website...
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