Frank Experiments

Dataset with experimental results for the "Frank" hybrid decision-making system, with simulated users.

Features: - CA. Co-evolutionary Accuracy. Accuracy reached by the user aided by Frank. Ideal value: 1 - CD. Co-evolutionary Discrimination. Discrimination reached by the user aided by Frank. Ideal value: 0 - UC. Unfair Couples. Number of couples of identical records (save for the sensitive attributes) with a different assigned label. Ideal value: 0 - MA. Model accuracy on a separate dataset. Ideal value: 1 - MD. Model discrimination on a separate dataset. Ideal value: 0 - Dataset: Dataset used for the experiment - Mode: The mode of the HDM system. Possible values: none (i.e., user alone), Rule, Past, Group, Skept, Frank (i.e., everything enable).. Refer to the Frank paper for an explanation - Expert: The kind of simulated user. The Ground Truther, Absent-Minded, and Coin-Tosser choose the dataset's ground truth, respectively, with a probability of 100%, 75%, and 50%. Naive Bayes and KNN are model-based. - Believe: Believe mode of the user, for Frank's suggestion in "Skept" and "Frank" mode. Possible values: (Always) Accept, (Always) Decline, Random (choice), XAI (i.e., request explanation, then choose).

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Personal Data Attributes

Description: Personal Data related Information

Field Value
ChildrenData No
Data Flow Legal Basis The dataset was generated by running the "Frank" hybrid decision making system. It reports various metrics over time.
Data Protection Impact Assessment No
Ethics Committee Approval No
General Data No
Informed Consent Template No
Personal Data No
Personal data was manifestly made public by the data subject No
Sensitive Data No
Additional Info
Field Value
Accessibility Both
Accessibility Mode Download
Accessibility Mode API Access
Accessibility Mode OnLine Access
Availability On-Line
Basic rights Other rights
Basic rights Making available to the public
Basic rights Communication
Basic rights Modification
Basic rights Distribution
Basic rights Copying
Basic rights Download
Basic rights Temporary download of a single copy only
Creation Date 2023-11-28 01:45
Creator Mazzoni, Federico,
Dataset Citation F. Mazzoni, R. Guidotti, A. Malizia - A Frank System for Co-Evolutionary Hybrid Decision-Making
Dataset Re-Use Safeguards N/A
Field/Scope of use Any use
Group Social Impact of AI and explainable ML
License term 2023-11-28 01:45/2142-07-12 01:45
Manifestation Type Original
Processing Degree Primary
Retention Period 2023-11-28 01:45/2024-11-28 01:45
Semantic Coverage Algorithmic experiments
SoBigData Node SoBigData IT
SoBigData Node SoBigData EU
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
Thematic Cluster Other
system:type Dataset
Management Info
Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated 8 December 2023, 01:09 (CET)
Created 8 December 2023, 01:09 (CET)